Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009

Increasing Fertility With Food

You can improve your chances of conception through a proper fertility enhancing diet. Scientists have found that to reduce problems related to ovulatory fertility, certain foods could be beneficial. At the same time, certain foods can also make us infertile.

Fertility diet

Consumption of monounsaturated fats, such as those found in olive oil, reduces ovulation fertility problems. Tran saturated fats, on the other hand, could create fertility problems. Instead of obtaining protein and minerals from animal sources, to increases your chances of conception, you should obtain nutrients from plant sources.

You should get your protein supply from soy products, beans, peas, lentils and spinach. Iron could reduce infertility. Although, lean meat and liver are rich sources of iron, but iron obtained from green vegetables and beans would make you more fertile. Vitamins C, E and zinc are also beneficial for improving fertility. Carbohydrates with low glycemic index should be a part of the fertility diet.

Herbs for increasing fertility

Certain herbs are used for centuries to treat problems of infertility. Drinking tea prepared with stinging nettle regularly can increase fertility in women. This herb helps to regulate hormones responsible for ovulation and menstruation. To increase your chances of conception, drinking red clover tea can be beneficial.

The nutrients present in this herb provide nourishment to the uterus. You could further increase your chances of conception, by taking raspberry leaves along with red clover tea every day. Raspberry leaf helps to normalize the hormone levels in our body. False unicorn root also works in the same way as raspberry leaf.

It maintains the hormonal balance and promotes ovulation. Lady’s mantle is another herb, known to be beneficial for improving fertility in women. Winter cherry mixed with milk can also increase fertility. Drinking blackberry leaves tea is another treatment for female sterility.

In traditional Chinese medicine panax ginseng is recommended to cure infertility in men. This herb is believed to increase sperm count, improves sperm motility and increases testosterone level in the body. Astralagus also works in the same manner to cure infertility in men.

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