Some couples are lucky not to have any issues regarding fertility, but there are others who may find it more difficult to conceive. With advances in medicine, conception has already been possible for couples who are up against great odds. However, doctors may first look at outside factors affecting fertility, before they recommend a more aggressive approach.
Smoking has long been known to be harmful to one’s health. A lot of people may take in stride its ill-effects, without realizing that it can greatly affect one’s fertility. Smoking can significantly reduce fertility for both men and women, and it can also lower conception rates for couples. Smoking can reduce sperm counts, as well as affect the quality of sperm in men. As for women, it can make conception harder. However, there is still hope for smokers. Research has shown that men, who gave up smoking, experienced an increase in sperm count of up to 800%.
It may be the best time to modify your lifestyle in such a way, that you can reduce stress. Stressors will always be part of our lives, and although the links between stress and fertility are not yet clear, more and more doctors believe it exists. There are studies that have shown that women were able to conceive, after they had therapies aimed at reducing stress.
There is also a need to examine your diet. Research has shown that a lack of nutrients is common, among individuals who are having fertility problems. In particular, the study found out that couples having fertility problems had a lower intake of foods, which are rich in antioxidants. It may also help if you take vitamin supplements. A daily dose of 100 mg of Vitamin C can increase sperm counts up to 140%. Likewise, Vitamin E and selenium have been found to improve sperm motility.
It may help if you consult your doctor regarding certain nutrients and plants, which have been found to boost fertility for both men and women. Discuss with your doctor which supplements you can use to aid conception. There are already supplements that contain a combination of essential nutrients and even herbs, which can increase conception.
Obesity may also hamper a couple’s desire to conceive. Thus, efforts at weight reducing are recommended. For some women, even reducing their daily caloric intake may improve fertility. Even as little as 5% of weight loss for women with polycystic ovarian disease, may encourage ovulation and pregnancy. Women with this condition don’t usually ovulate, and they may have excessive male hormones, as well as insulin resistance.
It may also be good if you try to avoid substances, which can lower your chances of conception. Pesticides containing methoxychlor, have also been found to reduce testosterone levels, and it can also impair the function of the reproductive system of a woman. Try to avoid these chemicals in order to prevent more issues regarding fertility.
Getting more sleep may also be good for your fertility. Although the link has not been fully established, experts have found that leptin, a hormone affecting appetite and weight regulation, may play a role in female fertility. Leptin levels may decrease due to lack of sleep, and studies have coincidentally found that some infertile women have low levels of this hormone. However, experts are not yet sure whether getting more sleep can increase the level of leptin in an individual.
If you hare having problems conceiving, consult your health care provider to improve your odds. Couples may encounter a lot of challenges in terms of fertility, but there are a lot of options that are now available, which can give a couple a best shot at becoming proud parents.
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