Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009

Does Folic Acid help you get Pregnant and Increase Fertility

A number of women tend to ask the gynaecologists the simple question, “Does folic acid help you get pregnant?” The answer here is very simple if you want to get pregnant, Folic Acid is a must for you. How ever a common mistake made about Folic Acid is that is doesn’t improve your chances getting pregnant faster. Opposite to natural products which in fact triples your chances getting pregnant fast within 1-3 months.
In some cases you may come across Folic Acid being referred to as Folate or Folacin. It has also been classified as Vitamin B9. Folic Acid is a required in liberal quantities to ensure proper production of red blood cell sand a number of components that are required for the nervous system growth. The acid helps the human body synthesize genetic material in every cell thus normalizing the brain function.

Does Folic Acid increase fertility?

Long years of research have gone into finding the answer to the question, “Does Folic Acid increase fertility?” It has been found that Folic acid is extremely necessary for prevention of neural tube birth defects. The Centers for Disease Control working with various research institutions funded by US and EU governments have found that if a woman takes proper quantity of Folic Acid the chances that the baby would suffer any birth defects are reduced by at least by 50 percent. In comparison to this, the woman who do not take the Folic Acid in appropriate quantities suffer a greater risk of having a still born baby or even a miscarriage in extreme cases..
This obviously gives birth to the question,”How much Folic Acid should I take?” According to most standards set by different health care research organizations across the globe, as soon as a woman reaches the age where she can conceive, she should start taking at least 400 micrograms (mcg), or 0.4 milligrams (mg) of Folic Acids. This would help her ensure good health and lay the proper groundwork for the time when she actually wants to conceive.

After the woman decides that it is time for her to become pregnant, the health care professionals advise that the daily minimum intake of Folic Acids should be increased substantially. The best bet in such a case is to increase the intake up to 600 - 800 mcg, or 0.6 - 0.8 mg in a day. This is effectively a doubling of the intake which ensures proper growth of the baby and safe health of the mother. For the women who have a family history of neural-tube defects, the recommended intake is to ten times higher at 4,000 mcg (or 4 mg) of Folic Acid on a daily basis.

The set standards of Folic Acid might not be applicable to every one so the best approach is to talk to your doctor. He would be able to give you proper advice about how much Folic Acid would you need in order to conceive. There are a number of sources of Folic Acids you should start with green leafy vegetables and papaya. Non vegetarians can get the Folic Acid from chicken liver and eggs.

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