increase fertility to get child, Pregnancy & amp; Baby Index: Fertility and Conception, fertility/ttc, pragnancy, fetal development, baby names, labor & amp: birth, for moms, new baby, breastfeeding, male fertility, preconception tips, trying to conceive
Selasa, 28 Juli 2009
How to Get Pregnant By Understading Your Fertility Biological Clock
Step 1
I. For Women
Here are some important statistics
A. Fertility rate : Out of one hundred healthy couple
1) Only 25% of unprotected sexual intercourse achieve pregnancy during first menstrual cycle
2) There are 20% more for each month after ward ( from the 2nd- 11th month )
3) At the 12 months, the rate of conception decreases to 8%
For those couple can not conceive after the 12th months, they are considered as infertility couple.
B. Women are born with finite number of eggs, some women have more, some are less, every month during menstrual cycle approximate thousand of eggs are mature and only one can have the chance to be fertilized by there partner 's sperm.
1) Eggs and Age
Eggs in the ovaries decreases with increasing of age
Assuming there are 150,000 follicle in the ovaries
a) Between the age of 18 - 30 around 120,000 left and this the time of optimal fertility
b) Between the age of 31-37 around 100,000 left and the fertility rate is on the downward trend
c) Between the age 38- 41 around 50,000 left and the infertility rate increases at the fastest rate.
d) Between the age 41- 45 around 10,000 left and you reach the end of fertile.
2). Infertility risk and age
a) In the late of 20 and early 30, 84 % are fertile and only 16 are infertile
b) In the mid 30 - 39 , 75 % are fertile and only 25% are infertile
c) By age 40 the 50% are fertile and 50% are infertile
Assuming the couple are healthy. Remember the older you age, the risk of reproductive organ malfunction also increase including endometriosis and fibroid.
C. Some unfertilized women and men sometimes ago are fertilizing, because of what ever reasons.
Here are most common reasons
1. Persuade a personal career
2. Try to be financial stability before having children
3. Too young to be a parent, raising a child needs efforts, time and money.
4. Enjoy the couple childless years before committing
5. Etc.
Step 2
Most of women delay to conceive by taking contraceptive pill or condom or other methods to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Unfortunately, by the time they think that they are ready to have children, they are in their mid thirty, their period now becomes irregular ( may be caused by withdrawal symptoms from years of taking contraceptive pill ) and the risk of infertility is high according to the statistics.
3. Step 3
Since our body need at least six months to adjust to the effects of withdrawal medicine, some women may take longer and some may never see their period coming back again. Statistic show that if a couple decide to have children and not conceive within 12 months, it may cause unnecessary stress which may make conception even more difficult. Therefore, planning yourself and if you want to have children, have it as early as possible. Otherwise, please consult with your doctor and aware that there are many type of treatment in case you are infertility.
Step 4
II. For Men
Even though the sperm in the male reproductive organ do not change much, the quality and quantity of sperm may be reduced by low levels of testosterone due to ageing. Therefore, you can see why a couple in their late 20's is easier to conceive than a couple with a wife in her 20's and a husband at the age of 40 and more. Study shows that the odds of male fertility rate decreases at an alarming rate of 11% every year and the chance for his partner to conceive declines even further.
According to the study of European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, the rate of miscarriage also increases substantially when the father was over the age of 35.
1. Nearly 17 percent if the father was over 34 years old.
2. Around 20 percent if the father was between the ages of 35 and 39.
3. Over 32 percent if the father was older than 44.
Step 5
Most couple delay unwanted conception by having the female partner take contraceptive pill or by using condoms, or other methods. Unfortunately, by the time they think that they are ready to have children, they are in their mid thirties and according to the above statistics, the rate of fertility is low and the risk of miscarriage is increased substantially, not counting the risk of giving birth to a child with a defection, including chromosomal abnormalities. Like an old car, no matter how much money which you spend each year to fix it, it will never work like when it was new.
It is wise for a couple to conceive no later then the age of late 20's and early 30's to prevent any unnecessary stress caused by infertility within 12 months after they decide to have a baby.
Kamis, 23 Juli 2009
How To Get Pregnant?
When I was trying to get pregnant, I went through a very difficult struggle that resulted in many hours of research to learn ways to help me to conceive easier and faster. I realized that I knew much more about how not to get pregnant, than I did about how to actually get pregnant.

One of the first things I learned, to my great surprise, was that I was doing a lot of things WRONG! I was shocked to learn that there were some basic things that I could be doing differently which could be the very reason I was having trouble getting pregnant.
I then decided to do some further research to find out what mistakes other women might be making as well, and I compiled all this information into a report which highlights the "7 Most Common Mistakes To Avoid" when trying to get pregnant!.
Rabu, 22 Juli 2009
Increasing Fertility and Maintaining Pregnancy Naturally.
For women who want to have children, pregnancy is a time filled with joy and expectation. The love a mother has for her child begins to accumulate and grow as that child grows in the safe, warm confines of her womb. When that expectation and love is suddenly wrenched from her by miscarriage, the scars are deep, painful and permanent. When miscarriage happens more than once, then the psychological burden of the would be mothers questioning her fitness for motherhood begins. More scars and pain are then added to her already heavy burden.
New research arriving in the US from Germany and England offers new hope for women who find difficulty maintaining a pregnancy. From Germany, a five-year study was done by Mucos Pharma at Stanberg District Hospital, a medical teaching hospital of the prestigious Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich. This research involved 144 women who had experienced three or more miscarriages due to fetal rejection. Rejection of the fetus is an immunological response, which produces inflammation to cause spontaneous abortion. In the study were women who had experienced both early term and (pre12 weeks) and late term (post 13 weeks) recurrent miscarriage (RM). (1).
Before women were admitted into the study their histories were taken in order to determine what the cause of their RM's might have been. There are a few reasons for miscarriage including, malformations of the fetus due to chromosomal aberrations. These total 50 percent of miscarriages. Other major causes include insufficient production of progesterone, uterine abnormalities, metabolic diseases, infections and clotting disorders.
For the Stanberg Hospital study only women who were determined to have lost their babies due to immunological attack were admitted. The rate for RM's due to immunological response is higher than 30%. Past studies confirmed that in many women their bodies see the fetus as a "transplant" since it contains genetic material which is somewhat different from the host. In these women the body creates a response similar to those seen in transplant patients. The hosts' immune system begins to create antibodies to the fetus, which in turn create inflammation that triggers the abortion. If both the immune response and the inflammation could be controlled it was reasoned then the RM could be prevented. Anti-immunological agents such as those used in transplant patients have been considered for use but these have been ruled out due to their toxicity.
Systemic (body wide) enzymes control inflammation, fibrosis, modulates immune response and cleans the blood. Forty years of European research on enzymes have broken ground on the myriad of ways that enzymes or the lack of them are involved in many of the disease and degenerative processes man faces. Systemic Enzymes are not toxic. No LD-50 (lethal dose) exists for enzymes. In 40 years of use with billions of doses taken no one has ever died or become ill from using systemic enzymes.
The test subjects chosen for the study; then their next pregnancy was planned for and a systemic enzyme supplement given, sometimes even prior to conception. One subgroup of women were given the enzymes only up to the 15th week of pregnancy and the remainder took the preparation during their entire course of pregnancy. Of the 144 women in the study 114 carried out their entire pregnancies and gave birth to healthy children. That is a 79% success rate. During all of the pregnancies no toxic changes were noted in the womb and examination showed that blood and oxygen flow across the placenta were normal.
These findings mirrored a similar multi year study done by Dr. G.T. Sukhikh in Moscow. Dr. Lehmann of Case Western University in Cleveland Ohio is now studying exactly what physiological mechanism of action is involved in these cases. (2).
Chiropractor and endocrine researcher Dr. April Hernandez in Atlanta Georgia is doing further practical work in this vein. She has been so successful in her counseling work with women who have had trouble maintaining pregnancy that local OBGYN's have called her in to lecture in the natural techniques of RM avoidance. These methods include the use of systemic enzymes and a proto hormone (hormone pre cursor) progesterone cream.
Pro-gesterone as the name implies this hormone supports pregnancy. In the first trimester of pregnancy progesterone production is the sole responsibility of the ovaries and these often fail to produce sufficient to maintain the pregnancy. By the second trimester the placenta itself is responsible for producing progesterone and it hikes the level of this hormone to 486% higher than the non-pregnant norm. Synthetic progesterone drugs, not being natural progesterone have side effects that if used to maintain the pregnancy may do damage to the baby. On the other hand progesterone made from the Mexican Yam plant has no side effects and the body sees it as it sees it's own progesterone. (3).
It is in the first trimester that the low progesterone RM's occur. During this low hormone phase Dr. Hernandez is recommending that women supplement their natural production with Progesterone cream. Progesterone acts also as an immunomodulator, decreasing the rejection response with it's increasing levels. (4). True progesterone levels are checked through out by using the Eval U8 saliva testing method. These tests show what moment to moment tissue levels of hormones are as opposed to blood levels where the body needs to maintain and ideal. Tissue levels are more relevant to the maintenance of pregnancy than are blood levels. (5).
One further supplement can be safely blended into the mix of nutrients used to preserve pregnancy a powder from a turnip grown only in the high Andes of Peru and Ecuador known as Maca. It is a little known fact but conception is impossible past 12,000 feet of altitude! Both men and women suffer from sterility and lack of libido in the high mountains. The same things happen to animals, hormonal changes, preclude all mammals (humans included) from being able to conceive or carry to term at those height! (6,7). When the Spaniards conquered the area of the Andes mountains they discovered that they had no sex drive and their horses and pack and domestic animals were not reproducing. They also noticed that the Lamas and other domestic animals the of local Indian's did reproduce and that the Indian's themselves had no trouble with libido. The secret they were told was this vegetable that grew only in those mountains. The animals dug it up and ate freely of it and the people would cook with it or dry the mashed vegetable into a powder they could consume freely at any time. Upon eating the Maca and feeding the vegetable to their livestock the Spanish discovered the Indians were right. In the men, libido returned with a relish. In their animals, the males became frisky once again and the females became pregnant and had no trouble carrying to term.
Currently Maca is being used throughout South America to prevent miscarriage and help women carry to term. It also has shown itself to provide a further benefit of increasing the birth weight of children. The average weight of babies born in Denver is lower than of babies born at sea level and Denver is only 5000 feet high. What happens at triple that in the Andes? Nothing, because the Maca increases progesterone production and this adds valuable mass to the child. The higher the birth weight the greater the chance of survival!
Maca works by controlling estrogen. Levels that are high or low at the wrong time either keep a woman from becoming pregnant or keep her from carrying to term. Estrogen in men produces erectile dysfunction, lack of libido, lowered sperm count and production of seminal fluid! In this protocol the systemic enzyme is used to both minimize rejection of the fetus as well as to control ankle and leg swelling and the development of spider and varicose veins during childbearing. (8).
1. Systemic Enzymes: Zymessence 2 to 3 caplets daily in-between meals.
Progesterone Cream one application twice a day 12 hours apart. An added application or two may be needed if levels of progesterone are very low. It is impossible to over do natural progesterone; there is no top level of dosing. Progesterone Cream may be used through the pregnancy. Stop using the cream just before the due date, as progesterone levels must go down and estrogen levels go up to trigger childbirth.
3. Maca Root Powder 3 to 6 tablespoons daily.
Add to these supplements all the usual nutrition that is needed to produce a healthy baby:
1. Calcium: 1200-1600mg.
2. Magnesium: 1200-1600mg.
3. Zinc: 50 to 75mg.
4. B-12 1000mcg.
5. Folic Acid 800mcg.
6. One gram of protein per kilo (2.2lbs) of body weight.
Morning sickness is usually a physiological sign that either progesterone levels or Folic Acid levels are low. It will do no harm to mother or baby to increase the intake of either until symptoms subside, then to remain at that level of intake.
Prior to the due date avoid all sources of estrogen:
* Soy in any form.
* Isoflavones.
* Pesticides.
* Synthetic plant and vegetable fertilizers.
* Estrogen rich herbs such as Black Cohosh.
* Petroleum fumes.
* Refer to the pregnancy section of Dr. Linda Rector Pages' book Healthy Healing for other herbs to avoid during pregnancy.
Keep using the enzymes after the birth to help heal all of your tissues faster and avoid a good bit of the inflammation caused soreness as well as to reduce spider veins. Resume using the Progesta Care 30 days post partum to end or prevent post partum depression, which is due to the great decrease in progesterone and the increase in estrogen.
1. Dittmar, F-W.; Enzyme therapy - a method of immune therapy for women with a history of immunologically - induced habitual abortion. Foum Medizin Verlagsgesellschaft, Forum Immunologie 3/2000.
2. Lehmann, P.V., Forsthuber, T., Muller, A., Scrcarz, E., E.; Spreading of T cell autoimmunity to cryptic determinants of an autoantigen. Nature 1992; 358 155-157.
3. Lauresen Neils, Premenstural Syndrome and You, Simon and Schuester, 1983.
4. Nouza, K., Kinsky, R., Dimitriov, D.; Immunology and immunopathology of reproduction. Folia Biologica 38, Prag. 1992.
5. Maniga, J., N., Golinski, S.; Remarkable insights into health and disease offered through analysis of saliva. Total Health for Longevity, vol.23, Number 2, 2000
6. Sobrevilla L., A., Romero I., Kruger F., Whittembury J.; Low estrogen excretion during pregnancy at high altitude. Am J Obstetrics Gynecology. 120: 828-833, 1968.
7. Donayre J., Guerra-Garcia R., Moncloa F., Sobrevilla L., A.; Endocrine studies at high altitude. IV. Changes in the semen of men. J Reproductive Fertility. 16:55-58, 1968.
8. Inderst, R., Enzyme therapy in vascular disease. Allgemeinmedizin 19 (1990), 154.
If you would like to use this or any nutritional protocol, please consult with a health care practitioner familiar with the application of supplementation to pregnancy before undertaking this or any other regimen during pregnancy.
Improving Fertility: How To Increase Your Chances of Conceiving

Some couples are lucky not to have any issues regarding fertility, but there are others who may find it more difficult to conceive. With advances in medicine, conception has already been possible for couples who are up against great odds. However, doctors may first look at outside factors affecting fertility, before they recommend a more aggressive approach.
Smoking has long been known to be harmful to one’s health. A lot of people may take in stride its ill-effects, without realizing that it can greatly affect one’s fertility. Smoking can significantly reduce fertility for both men and women, and it can also lower conception rates for couples. Smoking can reduce sperm counts, as well as affect the quality of sperm in men. As for women, it can make conception harder. However, there is still hope for smokers. Research has shown that men, who gave up smoking, experienced an increase in sperm count of up to 800%.
It may be the best time to modify your lifestyle in such a way, that you can reduce stress. Stressors will always be part of our lives, and although the links between stress and fertility are not yet clear, more and more doctors believe it exists. There are studies that have shown that women were able to conceive, after they had therapies aimed at reducing stress.
There is also a need to examine your diet. Research has shown that a lack of nutrients is common, among individuals who are having fertility problems. In particular, the study found out that couples having fertility problems had a lower intake of foods, which are rich in antioxidants. It may also help if you take vitamin supplements. A daily dose of 100 mg of Vitamin C can increase sperm counts up to 140%. Likewise, Vitamin E and selenium have been found to improve sperm motility.
It may help if you consult your doctor regarding certain nutrients and plants, which have been found to boost fertility for both men and women. Discuss with your doctor which supplements you can use to aid conception. There are already supplements that contain a combination of essential nutrients and even herbs, which can increase conception.
Obesity may also hamper a couple’s desire to conceive. Thus, efforts at weight reducing are recommended. For some women, even reducing their daily caloric intake may improve fertility. Even as little as 5% of weight loss for women with polycystic ovarian disease, may encourage ovulation and pregnancy. Women with this condition don’t usually ovulate, and they may have excessive male hormones, as well as insulin resistance.
It may also be good if you try to avoid substances, which can lower your chances of conception. Pesticides containing methoxychlor, have also been found to reduce testosterone levels, and it can also impair the function of the reproductive system of a woman. Try to avoid these chemicals in order to prevent more issues regarding fertility.
Getting more sleep may also be good for your fertility. Although the link has not been fully established, experts have found that leptin, a hormone affecting appetite and weight regulation, may play a role in female fertility. Leptin levels may decrease due to lack of sleep, and studies have coincidentally found that some infertile women have low levels of this hormone. However, experts are not yet sure whether getting more sleep can increase the level of leptin in an individual.
If you hare having problems conceiving, consult your health care provider to improve your odds. Couples may encounter a lot of challenges in terms of fertility, but there are a lot of options that are now available, which can give a couple a best shot at becoming proud parents.
Senin, 20 Juli 2009
Helping Fertility Naturally
What is Fertility?
Fertility simply refers to a couple's chances of becoming pregnant. If you are fertile, than there is a good chance that you will become pregnant at some point in time. Though pregnancy may not happen right away, if both a man and a woman are fertile, they will conceive a child eventually. Certain factors play a key role in determining fertility. In order for a woman to be fertile she must produce a viable egg during each monthly cycle. In order for a man to be fertile he must be able to produce strong and healthy sperm that can fertilize this egg.
Though being fertile may sound easy enough, it's actually quite complicated. This is because so many factors play a role in contributing to fertility. Things like diet, exercise, and overall health all have a huge impact on fertility. This is one of the reasons why so many couples in the United States face fertility problems. In fact, it is thought that about 1 in 6 American couples will have difficulty conceiving a child.
First Steps to Fertility
If you are interested in improving your fertility, one of the most important steps is to monitor for when you are most fertile. Many couples have difficulty getting pregnant because they are having intercourse at times when the woman isn't ovulating. This can make it surprisingly difficult to conceive.
There are a number of different ways that you can monitor your fertility. It is a good idea to start by monitoring your basal body temperature. This will help you to determine exactly when you are ovulating - your basal body temperature will increase when you are ready to release an egg. Keep a fertility calendar so that you know when you are ovulating. It is important to have sexual intercourse just before an egg is released, in order to maximize your chances of becoming pregnant.
There are a number of natural family planning methods that can also help you to become pregnant. Keeping track of your cervical mucus and using the rhythm method will help you to become more aware of your body's natural cycle. Try keeping a fertility chart - this will raise your fertility awareness, allowing you to pinpoint when you are actually ovulating. You may also want to look into purchasing a fertility monitor, which can help you keep track of your conception calendar and dates.
Sexual Positions
If you are having difficulty becoming pregnant, you and your partner may want to experiment with different conception positions during intercourse. In order to become pregnant, your partner must deposit his sperm as close as possible to your cervix. Certain positions will allow this to happen more easily. Avoid having sex while standing, sitting, or with you on top, as this can cause semen to leak out of your body. Instead, try the missionary position, which allows for deeper penetration. Rear entry intercourse is also effective, as it allows your partner to deposit semen closer to your cervix. To keep any extra semen from leaking out of you, try elevating your hips for fifteen minutes or so after your have sex.
Eating Right
Though you may not believe it, eating right plays an important role in your body's fertility. A balanced diet helps to regulate hormones and nourish your reproductive system. A good diet also helps you to maintain a healthy weight, which can greatly impact fertility. Women who are underweight or overweight may have a harder time becoming pregnant because body fat levels impact the production of sex hormones.
It is especially important to include certain vitamins and minerals in your diet. Try to include:
* Vitamin C and Antioxidants: these vitamins prevent sperm defects and boost sperm motility. They also reduce stress on your eggs and reproductive organs.
* Zinc: zinc deficiencies have been linked with reduced testosterone and semen levels.
* Calcium and Vitamin D: A daily, therapeutic dose of these nutrients have been shown to help increase male fertility.
Certain foods and chemicals should be avoided if you are having troubles becoming pregnant. Cut back on:
* Alcohol: alcohol can reduce your fertility levels by up to 50%. It can also decrease sperm count and increase the production of abnormal sperm.
* Caffeine: caffeine, found in coffee, teas, cola, and chocolate, has been shown to reduce both male and female fertility levels. As little as one cup of coffee a day can cut your chances of conception in half.
* Xenoestrogens: xenoestrogens are estrogens found in environmental chemicals and pesticides. Produce and other foods can have high levels of xenoestrogens, which, if ingested, may disturb your balance of hormones. Imbalaced hormones are often the cause of fertility issues.
Moderate exercise can also be a good natural fertility treatment. When combined with a balanced and nutritious diet, exercise can help you to maintain a healthy body weight. Excess body fat can increase the amount of estrogen in your body, throwing the female fertility cycle out of balance. Exercise helps to burn off this excess body fat, allowing hormone levels to return to normal. It is best not to overdo exercise though - over exercising can actually impair fertility. Try low impact aerobic workouts like walking, swimming, and cycling.
If you are having difficulty becoming pregnant you and your partner may want to look to herbs for fertility. Herbs have been used to promote fertility for thousands of years and can be considered to be a form of natural fertility medication. Because herbs can be very potent, it is important to speak with a registered naturopath before taking any herbal supplements.
* Chasteberry: This herb works to increase fertility by stimulating the pituitary gland. This is the gland responsible for producing sex hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Chasteberry should help fertility by balancing the sex hormones.
* Dong Quai: Dong Quai is a Chinese fertility herb, long-used to solve menstrual difficulties. It also helps to balance estrogen levels in the body and improve chances of implantation.
Natural Fertility and Conception
Getting to know your cycle is key to understanding your fertility. You need to appreciate what is happening to your body at every stage of the month (i.e. based on a 28 day cycle, what is happening during week one, week two, week three, and week four) so that you can interpret signs and work with your natural rhythms to enhance your fertility.
Every aspect of your cycle is equally important. Your menstrual flow is a good indicator of your general overall health and fertility. Women today do not talk with each other as much about their cycle, so, more and more women have an understanding of what is 'normal'. Now that you want to concieve, it is time to get involved, talk about it, learn about it, and feel it like never before. Always remember that what is normal for some is not for others. Volume, colour, length, etc. can vary from woman to woman. If you decide to visit a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner to increase your fertility, you will be asked questions about every little sign and symptom that is involved in your cycle.
The Ovarian-Hypothalamus-Pituitary female sexual hormonal axis. If this regulatory system is balanced the woman will feel very little changes throughout her cycle. Most women have some kind of imbalance, therefore they do feel the changes in their cycle, although, these are good ways to get to know what is going on, and aids in the process of rebalancing. 10-15% of miscarriages happen due to hormonal imbalances. Many infertility problems are due to hormonal ovulatory disorder. It makes good sense to get to know this part of you and start balancing it today.
Start making a daily diary of how you feel throughout your cycle. This is a good way to get in tune with your hormonal fluctuations. Charts are available to take temperature, record cervical secretions, note intercourse, and spaces for many other signs and feelings. Click here to download one now.
The cycle begins with the start of your period (the first day when normal flow begins). There is about 14 days until ovulation (follicular phase), estrogen levels constantly increase, toward ovulation your sex drive may rise, cervical mucus appears, and you become fertile. The second half, the luteal phase, is from ovulation to your period. This is when fertilization occurs, if not, the egg is absorbed and the uterus prepares to shed its lining. Progesterone rises in the luteal phase and estrogen levels fall in the last 7 days. This is the Pre-menstrual phase.
Fertile signs
Cervical mucus: this is a reliable way to know when you are fertile. The secretions become slippery, elastic, and egg white in character.
Cervix: By feeling the cervix at the same time each day you can tell when you are fertile. When it is high, soft, and open, this is your fertile time.
Basal Body Temperature: Don't become obsessive about this. Pregesterone causes a rise in temperature of about 0.2 degrees celcius immediately after ovulation. This should remain high until menses begin. Other conditions cause raises in temperature; infections, stress, medication, drinking alcohol, of lack of sleep. A temperature that is consistantly below 36 degrees celcius during the follicular phase may indicate an underactive thyroid (lethargy, weight gain, sensitivity to cold). A high temperature before ovulation may indicate an overactive thyroid. If your temperature does not change throughout, it may point to a luteal phase defect, or that you may not be ovulating.
LH surge: This takes place just before the egg is released. Some women ovulate immediately after the surge. Do not wait to have intercourse. These are kits that come with sticks you urinate on daily.
Sex Drive: This is a simple and wonderful indicator of your fertile time. When you want it, go get it!
Week One
Falling estrogen and progesterone levels signal the hypothalamus to release GnRH (gonadotrophin releasing hormone) which triggers bleeding and the start of the cycle. This makes the pituitary release FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) which starts the growth of the follicles with an egg inside each of them.
Bleeding generally lasts from 4-7 days with the heaviest bleeding on day 1. The amount bled is usually about 50-80ml. The endometrium starts to regenerate and by day 5 it will be about 2mm thick.
Most women in the swest believe that menstrual pain is normal, they take painkillers to manage. The painkilling medication can also effect your fertility. Pain is a sign that the flow of energy and blood is impeded. The blood should be red, not dark-brown and thick, or pinkish and watery. Clots also are a sign of imbalance.
Get to bed early during bleeding. Eat nourishing easily digestable foods. Do not expose yourself to climactic extremes. Try not to swim in cold water, and avoid sex if possible.
It is also highly recommended that women stay away from tampons. The use of reuseable pads and cups such as 'the keeper' are the safe way to go, they just take a little getting used to. If you must use tampons, educate yourself in the dangers associated with them, and only use organic cotton unbleached.
Vitamins A, E, and selenium are all important to build up the endometrium. Foods rich in iron and vitamin C help compensate for the blood loss. CoQ10 helps oxygenate and move the blood, and vitamin B1 also helps build blood.
Do light exercises during your period such as yoga, qigong, or meditation.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help regulate all aspects of your menses. From pain to clots, and irregular cycles to bleeding between periods.
In ancient cultures of all types, menstruation was a time for women to rest and not have to deal with society. It was a cleansing time, cherished and honoured. Take back some of your red tent ritual!
Week Two
Between 10-20 follicles have been developing, but this week, the ONE will be chosen for ovulation. FSH levels continue to rise to stimulate follicle growth. The dominant follicle may grow to become 20 mm in diameter. The ovaries tell the endometrium to thicken to foster the possible coming implantation. When estrogen rises, FSH declines so that no more follicles mature. Estrogen peaks at around day 12, this tells the hypothalamus to release LH. LH levels surge around day 14, 24-36 hours later the wall of the follicle ruptures and releases the egg which then begins its journey into the fallopian tubes.
B vitamins are needed for proper release of the egg and synthesis of RNA and DNA. Zinc, magnesium, selenium, and vitamin A aid egg production and cell division. Vitamin C, E, selenium and zinc are all thought to be important elements in the follicular fluid that surround the egg to aid in its suvival.
During this week you will have more energy, feel more alive. Do regular aerobic activity (brisk walks, aerobics, martial arts, running, swimming, cycling, weights). You cannot have sex too much! This does not weaken the sperm, actually, chances of conception are increased with more frequent sex. Some say that sperm can last up to seven days if their seminal and protate emisions are healthy. An egg is fertilizable for 12-24 hours after release. So when fertile signs are at their optimum, intercourse is important. Day 10-15 are the days on a 28 day cycle where a woman is most fertile. 5 days before ovulation and 2 days after equals 1 week of conception intercourse every cycle. Enjoy!
Week Three
Now that FSH has dropped, and LH is slowly declining, it is the time of progesterone. This phase is called the luteal phase. This is from ovulation until bleeding. This should last at least 10 days for their to be time for fertilization and implantation. The site where the follicle ruptured on the ovary turns into the corpus lutem which secretes progesterone.
Progesterone; 1. builds and thickens the uterus endometrium to support the embryo which will burrow into its layers, 2. turns off LH and FSH so no more eggs are produced, 3. raises the bady temperature ever so slightly, and 4. closes the cervix and forms a plug to stop things from entering the uterus.
Zinc and vitamin A are important for the production of progesterone. Vitamin C is important for the corpus luteum and its release of progesterone.
Do moderate exercise at this time (walking, cycling, taiji, yoga), and avoid excessive weights and aerobic activity.
Acupuncture at this time can help you relax and aid in the process of implantation.
Week Four
Time to hope, pray, stay calm, and think positive. The embryo gets to the uterus 4-5 days after fertilization. The egg has 2 days to become fertilized. 7 days maximum for the egg to get fertilized and into the uterus. Another 2-3 days may be required to complete implantation. Therefore, implantation occurs about 7-10 days after ovulation. An embryo (or blastocyst) has about 30 cells by the time it reaches the uterus and starts to break its cellular capsule (zona pellucida) to begin implantation. As women age, the zona pellucida becomes tougher. After implantation has taken place, the placenta begins to form and HCG (human chorionic gonadotophin) is released signaling pregnancy. This makes the endometrium not be shed (menses), and the corpus luteum to produce more progesterone to sustain the pregnancy for the next 12 weeks until the placenta can do it on its own. If no conception has taken place, the corpus luteum will degenerate after 12-16 days post ovulation, and the 8-10mm thick endometrium will stop developing and begin to shed. Estrogen and progesterone levels fall, the hypothalamus releases GnRH which releases FSH. Bleeding occurs, follicles begin to develop, and the whole cycle starts again.
Try to eat warming foods (cooked), but not too spicy. Stay away from too many raw and cold food and drink. Ensure a healthy supply of essential fatty acids, vitamin B6, E, zinc, and magnesium are in the diet.
Exercise at will unless you think you may be pregnant, then stay away from high impact, heavy weight, extreme aerobic activities. Deep breathing and visualization of an implanting embryo is of utmost importance at this time.
Improving Cervical Secretions
Cervical secretions are vital to fertility. They indicate fertility, and aid the sperm in their journey. The cervix is filled with a mucus secreting membrane. Estrogen changes the cervical fluid. the vagina gets moist wet and slippery, secretions may show on your underwear and toilet paper, and this fluid becomes stretchy like egg white if stretched between finger and thumb. The mucus will stretch 2-4 cm when you are most fertile. The fertile mucus creates ease of passage for the swimming sperm through the cervix. Progesterone kicks in immediately after ovulation which dries up this cervical mucus and gives it a lotion like character.
When you are not detecting fertile cervical mucus, it is possible that you are ovulating right after you are bleeding so that the fertile mucus is blended with the blood.
Other causes for inadequate cervical mucus; low estrogen levels (low body weight), rapid weight changes, too much wheat bran in diet, vitamin A deficiency, antihistamines, ulcer medication, clomid, some antidepressants, too much exercise reduces circulating estrogens, smoking, high doses of vitamin C dry up mucus, synthetic underwear, fabric softeners, scented toilet paper, tampons, vaginal lubricants, pH out of balance, and poor sexual techniques where the woman is not excited enough to produce sufficient secretions.
Cervical secretions can be improved by; eating foods rich in B vitamins, drinking plenty of water, and including wheat germ in the diet all can help.
If you have determined that your pH balance is off the following is a quick dietary reference to help.
Alkaline foods (to correct acidity): millet, almonds, seaweed, beets, artichokes, asparagus, green, broccoli, brussels sprouts, celery, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, kale, cucumber, endive, escarole, leeks, kohlrabi, lettuce, onions, garlic, ginger, parsley, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, turnips, watercress, brown rice, apples, apricots, fresh figs, bananas, berries, melons, kiwi, grapes, lemons, limes, pears, plums, peaches, mangos, papayas, bamboo shoots, bok choy, parsnips, eggplant, okra, peppers, radishes, swiss chard, rhubarb, spinach.
Neutral foods: yogurt, butter.
Acid foods: lamb, chicken, turkey, goose, duck, salmon, white fish, eggs, beans, barley, buckwheat, oats, rye, white rice, mushrooms, raisins, beef, veal, pork, ham, bacon, cheese, goat and cow milk, wheat, corn, tomatoes, oranges, grapefruit.
Minggu, 19 Juli 2009
Increase Male Fertility
Sperm counts have fallen by almost a third in the last 10 years. The main factors that seem to make a damaging dent on the man's sperm count are an increase in drug use, alcohol consumption, smoking and an increase in obesity.
In isolation these factors are bad enough, but when two or more of these causes are combined it leads to a rapid decline in the number and quality of sperm.
Tips to improve male fertility
But don't despair! If you're thinking of conceiving, here are some quick and easy tips for turning yourself into a literal sperm making machine.
- Eat brazil nuts - Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, a mineral that seems to help boost sperm production and improve their swimming ability.
- Eat tomatoes - Research suggests that lycopene, a nutrient found in tomatoes, helps in the production of healthy, agile sperm.
- Deal with your stress - Stress leads to the release of adrenalin and other hormones which can restrict blood flow to the testes and inhibit sperm production. It also leads to the release of chemical by-products called free radicals, which lead to sperm damage. Take an anti-oxidant supplement with zinc, selenium and vitamin C.
- Take vitamins - Studies show that supplementing with vitamin C can assist in the making of properly functioning sperm, and reduce their tendency to clump together (agglutinate). 1,000mg of vitamin C each day should be enough to help men make top seed. High doses of zinc appear to help boost levels of testosterone in men with low levels of this hormone, and may bring substantial improvements in sperm numbers. A zinc supplement of 50-100mg should be taken each day (balanced with 3-6mg of copper per day to prevent copper deficiency) for three months. Like zinc, Korean ginseng appears to have the ability to enhance both testosterone and sperm levels. About 500mg of standardised extract should be taken each day for three months.
- Eat healthy fats - Healthy fats, known as essential fatty acids (EFAs), appear to be important ingredients in the manufacture of sperm. The Total EFA is a supplement that contains a range of EFAs that may help boost sperm numbers in time.
- Go organic - Declining sperm counts could be related to xenoestrogens, hormone-like chemical pollutants that come from a variety of sources, including agrochemical residues. A shift towards more organic foods in the diet will help to reduce exposure to these fertility-sapping chemicals.
- Stay cool - Testicles should remain cooler than the rest of the body, so tight Y-fronts, hot baths and high central heating temperatures are a no-no. Men are also advised to walk about after sitting at a computer to help the airflow around the testes.
- Avoid smoking - Tobacco smoke contains chemicals that weaken sperm function and deplete the anti-oxidants, especially vitamin C, that neutralise damaging free radicals. Our tip? Start a new smoke-free lifestyle to help boost your sperm count.
- Avoid recreational drugs - Cocaine, for example, affects sperm motility and could prevent fertilisation. Cannabis leads to a low sperm count and an increase in abnormal sperm. Smoking one joint lowers testosterone levels for up to 36 hours. Avoid muscle-building drugs, too. Anabolic steroids, taken by some athletes to increase muscle size, and improve strength and endurance, may boost sex drive and sexual performance in the short term. But in the long term, they have the opposite effect and can cause a 25 per cent drop in sperm count.
How to Increase Male Fertility
Unfortunately, finding an ultimate solution to this problem is not very likely since just as with female fertility, male fertility is complex and multi-factorial. There are too many factors that can affect male fertility negatively, such as sperm disorders, testicular injury, varicocele, blockages in sperm-carrying tubes, problems with erection and/or ejaculation, hormonal problems, some medications, genetic disorders, etc.
However, improving fertility is not an impossible task. In fact, there is more than one way to increase male fertility naturally and safely. Eating certain foods, taking nutritional supplements and vitamins, undergoing herbal treatment, or taking quality natural semen enhancement pills, such as Volume Pills - these are all effective natural ways to improve sperm count and quality.
Increasing Sperm Count, Morphology and Motility
A very common myth about male fertility is that it depends only on sperm count, though it is of significant importance. However, sperm motility and morphology are just as important when it comes to sperm health.
Sperm should be able to swim in a forward manner for a sustained period of time. This ability is referred to as sperm motility. Additionally, sperm should have normal shape. This sperm parameter is referred to as sperm morphology.

Thus, in order to increase male fertility, all of these parameters (sperm count, motility and shape) should be increased. This can be possibly achieved by making certain changes in your diet and/or lifestyle:
- Quit smoking and reduce your alcohol consumption to minimum.
- Stay away from illicit drugs.
- Cut out unhealthy processed foods and improve your diet by consuming protein rich foods, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, legumes, and seeds.
- Drink a lot of water.
- Avoid too much heat (from hot-tubs, saunas and even tight underwear).
- Exercise regularly. This will not only improve your overall health but also reduce stress in your life, which is harmful for sperm. Yet, avoid exercises that may stress the testicles.
- Consider performing PC exercises. They will improve blood circulation, which is important for a healthy reproductive system. Additionally, they can improve your orgasm and help you maintain better control over your erection and ejaculation.
- Ejaculate less often. It takes time for sperm to accumulate. Thus, by increasing the period of time between ejaculations you will also increase sperm volume and count.
- When it comes to sperm health, vitamins C and E are crucial to it.
- Take natural supplements that are known to be important for sperm production, such as Zinc and Selenium.
- Consider taking amino acids like L-Arginine and L-Carnitine, which are important for semen volume and sperm motility.
The above methods can all help, but still, probably the easiest way to increase your fertility effectively and safely is to use quality natural semen enhancement pills.
Volume Pills can do a lot in this respect. They contain the right mix of vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements capable of improving your fertility and providing you with a number of other benefits such as increased libido, stamina, and improved erection quality and ejaculation control.
Why Use Enhancement Pills to Increase Fertility?
Now that you know some of the essential vitamins and supplements needed for overall sexual health, you may decide that a regular proper dose of multivitamins is enough. However, when it comes to increasing fertility a more complex mix of herbal supplements, minerals and vitamins is required in order to achieve your goal effectively.
The medical community has been in search for years for the right herbal formula that is safe, well-balanced and capable of increasing male fertility effectively. Now there are already many promising natural semen enhancement products on the market.
Although the main purpose of semen enhancement pills is to enhance semen production and improve sperm quality and motility, there are some additional effects you can benefit from when you take such tablets. For example, one of the most popular and effective sperm enhancement pills, Volume Pills, can provide you with the following additional benefits:
- Increased semen volume, improved sperm quality and motility (increased fertility)
- Enhanced libido
- Improved sexual stamina
- Harder, larger and longer-lasting erections
- Finally, more satisfying sex life and as a result - better confidence
Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009
Trying to conceive? 8 steps to increase fertility
Trying to get pregnant?
There are many factors involved, but problems with ovulation are a very common issue with many women.
According to a study led by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health, women who followed a combination of five or more of the following healthy lifestyle factors experienced more than 80 percent less relative risk of infertility due to ovulatory disorders compared to women who engaged in none of these factors.
This new report was published in the November 1, 2007, issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology.
(It’s important to mention that the relationship between a healthier diet and lesser risk for infertility was similar for different subgroups of women regardless of age and whether or not they had been pregnant in the past. This study did not examine risk associated with other kinds of infertility, such as low sperm count in men.)
8 steps to increase fertility1. Maintain a healthy weight (and lose weight, if you’re overweight).
2. Avoid trans fat. Trans fat is typically found in stick margarine, fried foods and hydrogenated oil.
3. Stop eating excessive sugar and refined carbohydrates.
4. Consume more protein from vegetables rather than from animals. Good sources of vegetable protein include beans (all types) and lentils.
5. Eat fiber-rich foods. Best sources of fiber include vegetables, fruit and whole grains.
6. Consider taking a standard multivitamin.
7. Exercise every day for at least 30 minutes.
8. Consume one daily serving of full-fat dairy (i.e., 1 cup whole milk, full-fat yogurt, or 1-2 ounces cheese). That’s because a recent report showed full-fat dairy may help increase fertility in women more so than low-fat/nonfat dairy. That said, full-fat dairy is loaded with calories and saturated fat, thus I recommend you make only ONE of your daily servings full fat.
Bottom line: Lose weight if you’re overweight, make smart food choices and exercise regularly — these lifestyle factors may help you become more fertile if you’re experiencing problems with ovulation.
Getting Pregnant: Ways to Improve Your Fertility
WebMD Feature
For some couples fertility and getting pregnant are as easy as eating cake. For others, the world of reproductive technology becomes the only hope for conception.
In between, however, are a growing number of couples playing the fertility "waiting game." Some may not yet be ready to turn to technology while others may have failed to discover their problem even in a high-tech arena.
It is for this group that many physicians are now looking to the everyday factors that might make a difference.
"Sometimes everything looks good from a treatment standpoint, but still women don't get pregnant -- so we have begun looking at other factors that might play a role," says Margareta D. Pisarska, MD, co-director of Center for Reproductive Medicine at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and editor-in-chief of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine News.
Behind the Fertility Smokescreen
Among the most important of these outside factors, say doctors, is smoking. While most folks are aware that cigarettes and pregnancy don't mix, fertility experts say fewer seem to realize the impact that smoking has on fertility.
"It can dramatically reduce both male and female fertility and it really impacts conception rates," says Frederick Licciardi, MD, associate director of reproductive endocrinology at NYU Medical Center and associate professor at the NYU School of Medicine.
In one study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, sperm counts averaged 17% lower in smokers. More recently, a Polish study showed smoking dramatically lowered sperm count and disrupted the health of sperm. In women, Pisarska says smokers not only have a higher rate of infertility overall, but also those who do get pregnant take a much longer time to conceive.
"We also know that smokers undergoing fertility treatments usually require much higher doses of fertility medication than nonsmokers," says Pisarska.
But it's not just the smoke from your own cigarettes that matters. In a study recently published in Human Reproduction doctors showed that secondhand smoke also reduced the pregnancy rates in women undergoing high-tech infertility procedures.
The good news: Reduce your exposure to cigarette smoke and you may get pregnant faster and easier! In one study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, doctors found that men who stopped smoking experienced a rise in sperm count of up to 800%!
Does Folic Acid help you get Pregnant and Increase Fertility
In some cases you may come across Folic Acid being referred to as Folate or Folacin. It has also been classified as Vitamin B9. Folic Acid is a required in liberal quantities to ensure proper production of red blood cell sand a number of components that are required for the nervous system growth. The acid helps the human body synthesize genetic material in every cell thus normalizing the brain function.
Does Folic Acid increase fertility?
Long years of research have gone into finding the answer to the question, “Does Folic Acid increase fertility?” It has been found that Folic acid is extremely necessary for prevention of neural tube birth defects. The Centers for Disease Control working with various research institutions funded by US and EU governments have found that if a woman takes proper quantity of Folic Acid the chances that the baby would suffer any birth defects are reduced by at least by 50 percent. In comparison to this, the woman who do not take the Folic Acid in appropriate quantities suffer a greater risk of having a still born baby or even a miscarriage in extreme cases..
This obviously gives birth to the question,”How much Folic Acid should I take?” According to most standards set by different health care research organizations across the globe, as soon as a woman reaches the age where she can conceive, she should start taking at least 400 micrograms (mcg), or 0.4 milligrams (mg) of Folic Acids. This would help her ensure good health and lay the proper groundwork for the time when she actually wants to conceive.
After the woman decides that it is time for her to become pregnant, the health care professionals advise that the daily minimum intake of Folic Acids should be increased substantially. The best bet in such a case is to increase the intake up to 600 - 800 mcg, or 0.6 - 0.8 mg in a day. This is effectively a doubling of the intake which ensures proper growth of the baby and safe health of the mother. For the women who have a family history of neural-tube defects, the recommended intake is to ten times higher at 4,000 mcg (or 4 mg) of Folic Acid on a daily basis.
The set standards of Folic Acid might not be applicable to every one so the best approach is to talk to your doctor. He would be able to give you proper advice about how much Folic Acid would you need in order to conceive. There are a number of sources of Folic Acids you should start with green leafy vegetables and papaya. Non vegetarians can get the Folic Acid from chicken liver and eggs.
Increasing Fertility With Food
Fertility diet
Consumption of monounsaturated fats, such as those found in olive oil, reduces ovulation fertility problems. Tran saturated fats, on the other hand, could create fertility problems. Instead of obtaining protein and minerals from animal sources, to increases your chances of conception, you should obtain nutrients from plant sources.
You should get your protein supply from soy products, beans, peas, lentils and spinach. Iron could reduce infertility. Although, lean meat and liver are rich sources of iron, but iron obtained from green vegetables and beans would make you more fertile. Vitamins C, E and zinc are also beneficial for improving fertility. Carbohydrates with low glycemic index should be a part of the fertility diet.
Herbs for increasing fertility
Certain herbs are used for centuries to treat problems of infertility. Drinking tea prepared with stinging nettle regularly can increase fertility in women. This herb helps to regulate hormones responsible for ovulation and menstruation. To increase your chances of conception, drinking red clover tea can be beneficial.
The nutrients present in this herb provide nourishment to the uterus. You could further increase your chances of conception, by taking raspberry leaves along with red clover tea every day. Raspberry leaf helps to normalize the hormone levels in our body. False unicorn root also works in the same way as raspberry leaf.
It maintains the hormonal balance and promotes ovulation. Lady’s mantle is another herb, known to be beneficial for improving fertility in women. Winter cherry mixed with milk can also increase fertility. Drinking blackberry leaves tea is another treatment for female sterility.
In traditional Chinese medicine panax ginseng is recommended to cure infertility in men. This herb is believed to increase sperm count, improves sperm motility and increases testosterone level in the body. Astralagus also works in the same manner to cure infertility in men.
Several Ways Of Increasing Fertility Naturally
Other basic ways of increasing fertility naturally:
The first step in increasing fertility naturally is stopping all unhealthy habits that affect your fertility. If you have smoking habit, you must first quit smoking. Secondly, you must avoid taking too much of alcoholic drinks. If you are taking any addictive drugs, you must get professional help to stop your substance abuse. If you are used to taking any over the counter pills, you must discontinue them. If you have any medical complications get checked by your physician and get the right kind of medication rather than using over the counter pills that affect your fertility without your knowledge.
After stopping the negative habits, you must start looking at developing positive habits that will enhance your fertility. Food is one of the major factors in helping you improve your fertility naturally. If you eat the right kind of food, you are likely to ovulate regularly. Make sure you eat healthy diet and more importantly the food that you eat should not lead to obesity issues. It has been noted that over 12 to 13% of infertility issues are due to obesity and over weight problems. Rather than choosing specific types of food, try to have a balanced diet so that your body gets all the required proteins, nutrients and vitamins.
If you are working in a highly stressful environment, try to find healthy ways of dealing with your stress. Taking regular breaks from work as and when possible will help. When you are under a lot of stress your fertility cycle will be affected. Your mind has a great role to play here and do not underestimate its influence on your body. The more relaxed you are the better.
Hormonal imbalance is one of the causes of fertility issues. Try to exercise regularly to get rid of your fat that can lead to hormonal imbalance.
Try to keep track of your ovulation cycle so that you can time your intercourse to improve the chances of getting pregnant. If you time your sexual intercourse wrongly, you may find it very hard to conceive even if everything else should be perfectly alright with you both.