Unless you're a high school virgin having sex for the first time under the school bleachers with a boy who claims he loves you but will never acknowledge you again after this encounter, getting knocked up can be an enormous challenge.
Modern choices
Getting a sperm and egg together may seem like a simple feat, but it requires the split second timing of a NASA moon launch. Plus, if you take that same high school virgin, tack on about twenty-five years, the "challenge" of conceiving becomes more like a miracle.
Generations ago, when Mother Nature had her way, girls would start popping out babies in their teens and continue to do so until they reached their forties. That's when either their aging reproductive organs would make conception difficult or they'd die of a toenail infection that went horribly awry. But now with the advent of birth control and antibiotics, women live much longer and can choose to delay having children for decades.

The aging paradox
Unfortunately, Mother Nature hasn't had time to adapt to these changes so a woman in her 40's faces unique challenges that can make conception difficult. For one, her cycle is irregular which means ovulation is more unpredictable. Also, her eggs are less viable which leads to more miscarriages and chromosomal abnormalities. And, she's had more time to develop conditions such as cysts, endometriosis, and fibroids that can add even more obstacles to the already overwhelming challenge.
But, that doesn't mean that a woman in her forties can't conceive and give birth to a beautiful baby. It just means she has to fight Mother Nature as she does with other aging dilemmas like covering her stubborn grays and smoothing out her wrinkles with Botox. On that note, here are ways to give Ms. Nature a run for her money so that you'll be swaddling your baby in no time:
Action plan!
1. See a fertility specialist as soon as you're ready to conceive. That way you'll know where you stand in terms of your overall reproductive health and your fertility level. Your partner should be checked out as well since it takes two to tango, as well as get knocked up. While you're there, learn about the available treatments such as hormone shots, artificial insemination and IVF so you can make an informed decision if need be.
2. Since a woman over 40 can have more hormone fluxes which can lead to an irregular cycle, it's more important than ever to know when you ovulate. To do so, get an ovulator predictor kit so you can predict your fertile days.
3. Keep a positive attitude and don't focus on the negatives. For instance, yes, you may have an irregular cycle, but it's also more likely that you'll release more than one egg each month doubling your chances of conception. And true, the odds of miscarriage and chromosomal problems are higher than when you were younger, but the odds of everything going right is still higher than anything going wrong.
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